EO DC It's Business, Not Social w/ Colleen McKenna

When:  Sep 1, 2020 from 09:00 to 11:30 (ET)
LinkedIn is a business tool, not social media. During an in-depth and interactive workshop session, Colleen demonstrates how CEOs, business owners, and their teams can leverage LinkedIn for brand awareness, business development, and recruiting. Each workshop is framed around developing your professional brand, finding the right people, engaging with insights and building relationships. 

Colleen, an early LinkedIn adopter, will show you how to analyze your network, increase your personal rankings, develop a highly-engaged online community, and create new business opportunities regardless of geography. From strategy to implementation, this presentation provides insight on how LinkedIn can help companies increase their digital presence and drive business and recruiting opportunities. Additionally, Colleen will discuss Sales Navigator and LinkedIn Recruiter. 

Colleen will cover engagement best practices on your personal and business pages, how to optimize how you look, how you build your network, and contacts to engage with. 

Who should attend? EO DC members, Key Execs, members of your sales/marketing teams who may run your LinkedIn page.

The burning question to keep in mind: What questions should I be asking of my team to make sure they're using LinkedIn effectively?

  • **Zoom link will be sent out the day before the event. 




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