EO DC Presents StoryBrand Workshop

When:  Apr 13, 2023 from 08:30 to 17:00 (ET)
Associated with  All Member Discussions

As you know, people are bombarded with information every day. Because they are being bombarded, they only listen to people (and brands) that communicate simply and clearly.

Our confusing messages lead to all kinds of problems:
-Our customers don't understand exactly what we offer.
-Our salespeople can't differentiate our products in the marketplace.
-The "why" of our work is muddled and we aren't connected to a deeper sense of meaning.
The StoryBrand 7-Part Framework uses ancient storytelling principles to help you clarify your message. Once you learn the framework, you'll be seen, heard, and understood, both in your company's internal and external communication.
Learning the StoryBrand Framework and how to apply it will help you win in the marketplace because communicating clearly gives you a competitive advantage. This is true for both individuals and organizations. If you become the most simple, clear communicator, you will win.
Who Should Attend: EO DC Members, Head of Marketing/CMOs, SAPs
8:30am-9am: Breakfast & Networking
9am: Workshop begins with the core concepts of StoryBrand and you will begin creating your story
12pm: Lunch at Fogo de Chao 
1pm: Continued story creation
5pm: Workshop concludes


AMP By Strathmore
11810 Grand Park Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20852